Outdoor winter soccer registration now open
ANSC will be accepting online Soccer Registrations for the Winter Soccer Season which runs from April - August 2016. Registration will be open from 19 January 2016 - 28 February 2016. Please register early to avoid disappointment. Registrations are now open for all players, both juniors and seniors. The minimum age to play is 5 years. There is no maximum age to play. .
Teams's Recognition
The club would like to congratulate the following teams: 2015 GRAND FINALIST Under 13 Division 4 Boys - 2015 Premiers Under 12 Division 2 Girls - Finalist & Runners up 2015 SEMI FINALIST Under 14 Division 3 Boys All Age Men Division 2 All Age Men Division 10 To all other teams well done on a fantastic year and better luck next year.
Fustal competition registration now open
The Australian National Sports Club will be holding it's annual Club Presentation Day on the 11th of October 2015 at the Club House. All Players and their families are encouraged to attend as we celebrate the success of 2015. All club players will receive trophies from our club on the day. We also have special guests from SYDNEY FC.
Presentation day
The Australian National Sports Club will be holding it's annual Club Presentation Day on the 11th of October 2015 at the Club House. All Players and their families are encouraged to attend as we celebrate the success of 2015. All club players will receive trophies from our club on the day. We also have special guests from SYDNEY FC.